Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog Post #2: He's Got The Weight of the World on His Shoulders

I think it's pretty safe to assume that anyone who reads this knows what an Atlas is. But do you know who Atlas is?
In Greek Mythology, Atlas was a titan who sided against the Olympians in the war between the Titans and the Olympians.
After the Olympians won the war, they tossed most of the Titans into Tartarus. However, Atlas had a different fate. Zeus sentenced Atlas to hold the sky up to prevent it from embracing the earth (Gaia).
There's also myths of Atlas trying to escape his punishment (click here).
In Homer's Odyssey, Atlas is referred to as:
"one who knows the depths of the whole sea, and keeps the tall pillars who hold heaven and earth asunder".
There's also a second mythological guy named Atlas. He is King Atlas of Mauretania. According to legend, he was a philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. Supposedly he made the first celestial globe.